
Renter’s Guide

Are you looking to rent a new place but don’t know what’s the process?

If you are planning on renting a new place and don’t know where to start, look no further.

This guide will help you through the process of finding your dream home to rent.


The Start

First thing you need to know is what you need. The best place to start is the neighborhoods. Do you need a place close to your work, or maybe someplace close to your friend’s?
Figure out your criteria. Whether you need a family home or apartment complex.
Being clear about your plan will help you look for the right properties.


The Budget

The next thing to do is plan out your budget and figure out how much rent can you afford.

Map out your expenses against your income and figure out what you should be spending on rent. Be realistic about your expenses. You don’t want to compromise on your lifestyle later. Don’t forget to factor in the moving in expense.


Finding a Realtor

Most people think realtors only work with people looking to buy or sell a place.

A good realtor can make your life very easy in the process of finding a great place to rent. They can help you in finding good neighborhoods and houses the match your criteria.



Once you have found a place that you like, its time to negotiate with the landlord. You should discuss all your requirements and their policies. You don’t want to know later on that the building doesn’t allow pets.

Queries like rent, lease terms, parking availability, pet policies should be well addressed before moving ahead to the next.



After you have found the right place, you can prepare to apply for the property. Your landlord would ask for a credit score to make sure you can keep up with the rent. They might also request a copy of your identification documents and character references.

Your realtor can help you with gathering these.


Signing the lease

Once the landlord approves your application, you can go ahead with signing the lease. Make sure to get the document thoroughly reviewed by your attorney. Make sure all the terms of your agreement are in the contract.

Once everything is good, you can sign the document and agree upon move in date.


Moving in

Receive the keys to your new home and prepare for the move in.

All the time you spent planning, budgeting, searching and looking have all lead up to this moment. It sure is to put a smile on your face and hope of an amazing new life in your new home.

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